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History Of JMJ

Rev.Fr.Mathias Wolff SJ the founder of JMJ Society envisages the congregation to be at the services of humanity, particularly with the Charism of “An ever-adaptable apostolic availability”. Hence the JMJ sisters engage themselves in different ministries like health care, evangelization, education, and social work. The Society of Jesus Mary Joseph was founded in the year 1822 in Holland to the resolution of educating the young girls which was the cry of the time. A seed is sown, that it may grow, branch out and bear fruit a hundredfold. The seven JMJ Dutch missionary sisters came to India on 24th February 1904 Read More


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Principal's Message


JMJ Educational Institutions aim to empower the student community to unearth the innate potentialities to its completion. Therefore, we at JMJ-Kanchili consider this as an opportunity to ignite the hidden spark in the mind and spirit of each Child, by offering our best both qualitative- value based and quantitative- academic record based educational services. As the Principal, my understanding is that every Child is a potential citizen and has a right to receive a safe and desirable learning environment to bring out all his potentials, and it’s with me to provide equal and timely learning opportunities at JMJ- Kanchili campus. I take it as my top priority and make every effort to offer the needful facilities.

To achieve the said goal, we do have with us an erudite and committed Teaching Community and they on a right moment stir the mind and spirit of each child to become their best version. It is also, important to mind that a perfect blend of the curricular and co-curricular activities only make learning an enjoyable, an exciting and memorable experience to any child. For, on leaving any school campus, your child is faced with the reality of the society- mixture of situations, so one needs to be equipped with a holistic growth, which is offered on our JMJ- Kanchili campus in a unique manner. And, it is achieved through an observant participation of your child in all the competitions and events run-through on the campus.‘Every Child deserves the best learning opportunity’  

                      Sr.Showry Polanki Headmistres