History of JMJ
Rev.Fr.Mathias Wolff SJ the founder of JMJ Society envisages the congregation to be at the services of humanity, particularly with the Charism of “An ever adaptable apostolic availability”. Hence the JMJ sisters engage themselves in different ministries like health care, evangelization, education, and social work.
The Society of Jesus Mary Joseph was founded in the year 1822 in Holland to the resolution of educating the young girls which was the cry of the time. A seed is sown, that it may grow, branch out and bear fruit a hundredfold. The seven JMJ Dutch missionary sisters came to India on 24th February 1904 to Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and spread the Society far and wide in different states of India. Here we cannot but make a grateful mention of Late Rev. Sr. Stanislaus Swamikannu Pillai, the Master mind and the Back Bone of JMJ Education apostolate in India. She was indeed a timely gift of God to the Soc. of JMJ, India. Without much ado, with a vision and mission, she set herself with all zeal to work for the cause of women’s education. Her achievements speak volumes about her apostolic endeavours. There was a rapid development and progress in the Catholic Education for girls, in the then backward areas of Guntur. Thus for the Soc. of JMJ India, a new chapter ushered with (through) the Apostolate of Education..

A Brief History of JMJ English Medium School, Kanchili
Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff the founder of JMJ Society envisages the congregation to be at the services of humanity particularly with the charism of an ever adaptable apostolic availability. Hence the JMJ sisters engage themselves in different ministries like health care, evangelization, education and social work.
The Society of Jesus Mary Joseph was founded in the year 1822 in Holland to the resolution of educating the young girls which was the cry of the time. A seed is sown, that it may grow, branch out and bear fruit a hundredfold. The seven JMJ Dutch missionary sisters came to India on 24th February 1904 to Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and spread the society far and wide in different states of India. Here we cannot but make a grateful mention of Late Rev.Sr.Stanislaus Swammikannu Pillai, the Master mind and the Back Bone of JMJ Education apostolate in India. She was indeed a timely gift of God to the Soc.of JMJ, India. Without much ado, with a vision and mission, she set herself with all zeal to work for the cause of women’s education. Her achievements speak volumes about her apostolic endeavors. There was a rapid development and progress in the Catholic Education for girls, in the then backward areas of Guntur. Thus for the Soc.Of JMJ India, a new chapter ushered with (through) the Apostolate of Education.
The year 1989 remains as a remarkable day in the annals of JMJ because JMJ English Medium School, Kanchili, completes its 25 silver years of service and enters a new era, and it’s a time of grace to recall the accomplishments and success in attending the most needed children and providing them a future, full of confidence and assurance. We the management, staff and students are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as we celebrate the silver jubilee of the institution which has gained for itself a distinctive reputation in this locality – Kanchili, Sompeta and neighborhood. Thousands of students that have passed out from this institution gaining knowledge and wisdom assert the quality of education imparted.
In 1989 the people of Kanchili, Sompeta and its surrounding villages were in dire need of quality education for their children. Rev.Dr.Bishop Mariadas, the then bishop of Visakhapatnam requested many congregations to initiate the apostolate of education in this area. The society of JMJ, Guntur Province responded positively. Rev.Sr.Rosina, the then Provincial Superior with the cooperation from parents of Itchapuram, Kachili, Sompeta, and the surrounding villages and with enormous encouragement and support from the locals and Arogyavaram Eye Hospital Sompeta took up the challenge of starting a school with profound faith in the Almighty. The team studied the situation and identified the needs of the surrounding villages. Mr. John David the superintendent of Arogyavaram Eye Hospital, Sompeta expressed the same to his authority, the then vice president Mr. Harold Lowie O.E.U Canada. He, after consultation with team members benevolently suggested evacuating their residence at Kanchili to a Catholic educational Institution. Another great personality who is to be remembered in the chronicles of the school history is Sri. Charan Singh Sachdev for the magnanimous gift – the piece of land he offered where the school building is elevated. Thus JMJ English Medium School was born in Kanchili in 1989. At the inception, the sisters had no proper facilities to stay in Kanchili. Dr.John David was kind enough to provide the residence for the sisters in Arogyavaram. Sisters stayed for some time there and were coming to school by vehicle. Within a short time the students were gifted with a good infrastructure, well – furnished and ventilated comfortable class rooms. In 1996 a new hostel building was inaugurated and blessed in order to enable the students of nearby villages to benefit the most. In 2011 the school building was extended to 2nd floor to meet the ever growing strength of the school. The school which began with 120 students from classes 1 to 6th in 1989 has steadily grown having 1100 students at present and sent 19 batches to public examinations, which came out with great triumph.
Sr. Rani Pudota was appointed as the first – headmistress of the school and toiled hard to raise the school. Sr.Apollonia was the first correspondent of the school from 1989-92. As Sr.Rani was transferred Sr. Showrilu Kommareddy took charge of the school in 1990 and continued her services up to 1992. In 1990, she obtained the Government recognition for primary section and provided transport facilities to the students, for those who come from villages.
In 1992, Sr.Treasa Gade was appointed as the headmistress and correspondent. She had plenty of experience in the field of education. She knew the dynamism in the administration of the school. The first batch of students appeared for S.S.C. Public examination in 1993. As she was transferred, Sr.AnnLouiese Mallavarapu had taken charge of the school in 1993. It was a significant milestone for the school when the students participated in national level essay writing competition and won the national award.
In 1994 Sr.Thecla Gade was appointed as headmistress and correspondent and served the institution up to 1996. Apart from accentuating on academics, she encouraged the students in co-curricular activities. Students participated in Tennicoit and Handball in Hyderabad and won the prizes.
Sr. Francina Savariappan succeeded Sr. Thecla and rendered her services for a long period of seven years as the headmistress and correspondent till 2003. She reinforced the foundation laid by her predecessors and raised the standards of the school to further heights of development, promoting the quality and excellence in education. During her time the school attained the recognition from the government for higher classes in 1999, and also the school became the Centre for S.S.C. Public examination. One of the S.S.C. students got a free seat in IIT and three students received Prathibha award scholarships from the government.
In 2003 Sr.Thomasina took charge of the school as the headmistress and correspondent. With her past experience in teaching, she toiled hard to raise the standard of the school.
Sr.Rani Pudota was appointed for the second time as headmistress and correspondent in the year 2004 and continued her services till 2009. She strove hard to improve the quality of education by recruiting competent and qualified teachers and endeavoured to maintain the punctuality and discipline of the school through which she could win the good will of the parents which made the administration easy. There was a good response from the public as they were pleased with the education and formation offered. She encouraged the students in Co-Curricular activities. During her tenure, students secured the first prize and bagged the cash award in JMJ Inter Province Science Quiz held in Hyderabad in which 36 JMJ Schools participated.
She in turn handed over the responsibility of the school to Sr.Alphonsa Payyapilli in 2009. She continued her services up to 2012. Sr. Alphonsa is a person renowned for her amicability. She encouraged the staff by giving incentives in order to increase productivity. She took a keen interest in equipping the computer lab with the latest configuration. During her occupancy, Sr.Sheena Thomas was the correspondent of the school from 2009-2013. She was a woman of will power, hard work, and young and energetic which were boons to the development of the institution. The extension of the school into a third storied building was her initiative. Sr. Sundari Vongala was appointed as headmistress in 2012. Sr.Sundari is a person, who is self-disciplined and well-organized. The Techno System (Digital classes) was introduced. Teachers and students are enthused in teaching and learning activities and it paved a way for a better learning environment. Sr. Sincy Francis Cheenan is the Principal and correspondent of the school from 2013.
The staff take a special interest not only in the intellectual progress of the children but also in tapping the potentialities of the students for their all-round development and give equal importance to curricular and co-curricular activities. Every year our students take part in district and state level Science fair in which they stand in the top place. National, state, regional festivals are celebrated with patriotic fervour. School celebrations like decennial, biennial renewed our commitment towards our goal in education. To widen the students’ exposure, they are taken to different places of historic and educational importance like Darjeeling, Delhi, Kolkatta, Hyderabad and Vishakhapatnam etc.
The school inculcates noble values such as generosity, sharing, caring, empathy etc.in the students by making them involve in collecting donation for the victims of national calamities, help age India, ITTRODD and so on. A fair sum of Rs.1, 25,000 was collected by the students for the differently-abled is commendable. The school also conducts the solidarity day in order to motivate and encourage altruistic nature in the students.
At one point of time JMJ School was the only school in the area of Sompeta and Kanchili. Even though the public craze for corporate schools and mushrooming up of English Medium Schools in the locality and the neighbourhood, JMJ remains credible and Maintains its standard and strength not only in academics but also in transmitting culture through modern means of education with traditional values, We are proud of an efficient headmistress, devoted and dedicated sisters and a band of Skilled teachers who strive to live up to our motto love, joy and service.
We thank the Lord for his abundant blessings, benevolence, assistance and protection for 25 silver years through which JMJ institution in Kanchili could share its might to serve the people while imparting the spark of knowledge in the field of Education. As we exuberantly celebrate the Silver Jubilee, we gratefully remember Rt. Rev.Dr.K.Mariadas, former Archbishop of Visakhapatnam, and Rt.Rev.lnnaiah Bishop of Srikakulam for their invitation to the diocese of Srikakulam and their inspiration and support in all the endeavours of our institution. We are enormously indebted to the pioneering sisters Sr.Apollonia, Sr.Rani Pudota and Sr.Gnana for their relentless efforts in pioneering the task with a special goal and Vision and all their successors for laying the foundation through their hard work, commitment and visionary leadership. We do sincerely acknowledge the contribution of the numerous sisters, teachers and office staff, who have worked their might in the teaching learning process.
We place on record a note of gratitude to the Vincentian fathers especially Fr.Sunny and Fr.Francis who are always available to fulfil the spiritual needs of the sisters and the students. At this juncture we fondly remember Mr: Thambu Raj, the superintendent of Arogyavaram Eye Hospital who is a backbone in all our immediate needs. We are indebted to Sr. Regina Chinnappan, the Provincial Superior and her council for their steadfastness, guidance, support and co-operation in the process of all the developmental activities ot the institution.
School education has the most important role in the character building of the students and it is here that they imbibe the values of respect for elders, our culture and tradition, discipline, punctuality and most importantly human values. Learning is the most powerful and empowering experience. Regarding the ideas of education, Swami Vivekananda says, “We want that education by which the character is formed, strength of mind is increased, and the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s feet.” It is ennobling process of character building, through education that we produce successful and committed citizens, ultimately good human beings. We solemnly hope and pray that we realize its goal of transforming individuals into men and women for others which would eventually lead to true transformation of the society into an egalitarian and humane society characterized by Justice, peace, fraternity, freedom and love