Instructions to Parents /Gurdians


  • Attending the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meetings as well as other important functions in the school is sacred duty/parents owe to their children. Do not miss them.
  • Parents/guardians are advised to draw up a home study schedule for their wards in order to facilitate their studies at home.
  • The School seeks co-operation of the parents/guardians in order to get accurate information about their wards and their progress in order to have healthy understanding of their natural talents, habits, environmental influences, etc.
  • Parents are not to visit the teachers at their residences. No, gifts or presents shall be offered to the teachers, except when a student leaves the school.
  • Outside the school hours, it is the responsibility of the parents to take care of the movements and discipline of the students and any acts of indiscipline brought to the notice in this regard will be dealt seriously.
  • The Students, whose parents behave impolitely to the Teachers or School authorities, will not be allowed to continue in the School.


  • Admission to any class depends on the availability of seats. Eligible candidates must apply for admission in the prescribed application forms available at the school office, on the days specified. Registrations begin four months before the reopening date of school in June every year.
  • Candidates seeking admission need to appear for an entrance test. No candidate will be admitted to Standard I unless one has completed the Nursery Course of two years in English Medium. Admission to school is granted strictly on merit.
  • Age of admission to Lower Nursery class is 3years and for standard I is 5years and 10months as on June 1 of the year.
  • The admission process is complete only when the prescribed fees have been paid as per the fee schedule.
  • Misbehaviour, cruelty towards other children, irregular attendance, disobedience or disrespect to Teachers, habitual idleness, stealing, etc., are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the student. Once the Management has taken a decision as to the dismissal of a student, no negotiations will be entertained from any quarters.
  • Transfer Certificate (TC) is issued only during office hours. A written application must be submitted to the office at least three days in advance. If the student is withdrawn during the academic year, all the arrears, including the term fees of that term, will have to be paid.


  • Responsibility to attend school on regular basis and to be on time.
  • Responsibility to complete all academic work as assigned.
  • Responsibility to bring the appropriate books and tools to class.
  • Responsibility to obey school rules.
  • Responsibility to respect rights of others.
  • Responsibility to your own action.
  • Responsibility to use appropriate language.
  • Responsibility to protect school property.
  • Responsibility to dress appropriately in school uniform and to abide by the rules of modesty, safety and cleanliness.
  • Responsibility to attend all the slip tests, continuous assessments, formative assessments and summative assessments. No re-exam under any circumstances.


  • All pupils are required to be regular in attendance.At least 75% attendance is mandatory to appear for the Annual Examination
  • No student will be granted leave without prior written application of the parents. In all the cases permission is at the discretion of the principal. Those who absent themselves for six consecutive days without the prior permission from the principal are liable to have their names struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee.
  • All students are required to be present on both the last Working Day, prior to Vacations, as well as on the reopening day after a vacation.
  • In case of absence without leave, the student on returning to school must have the reason of absence entered and signed in the calendar by the parent or guardian.
  • A student, returning to school after a contagious or infectious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting the student to do so.
  • The school reserves the right to take disciplinary action against a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress is repeatedly unsatisfactory or whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students.